Epoxy Flooring Cost for 2 Car Garages

Are you considering epoxy flooring for your home or business? This popular flooring option offers a durable and attractive finish that can last for years. But before making the commitment, it’s important to understand the various factors that influence cost and how they compare to other options – from labor and materials to installation methods.

In this blog post, we’ll explain these components in detail as well as discuss the benefits of investing in epoxy flooring for your space. Read on to gain a better understanding of all aspects of choosing epoxy floors so you can make an informed decision.

What is epoxy flooring?

Epoxy flooring is a type of coating system made up of multiple layers that offer superior protection against abrasion, staining, and chemicals. The top layer consists of an epoxy resin combined with a hardener to create a durable finish that can last for years. They are quite common in commercial settings like gyms and warehouses to add a durable and attractive finish without being excessively expensive.

For a residential home, a person might want to epoxy different parts like their kitchen, garage, and even countertops. But specifically for garages, what factors do we need to keep in mind?

Epoxy flooring cost factors

There are 6 main cost factors you should keep in mind when looking into epoxy flooring for your garage.

a. Garage size

The size of your garage is an important factor to consider – larger garages have higher epoxy flooring costs than smaller ones.

b. Labor and materials

Labor and materials are the two biggest cost components for any epoxy flooring project. High-quality resins, coatings, and hardeners will usually cost more but offer a better finish and increased longevity.

c. Installation methods

The installation method you choose can also affect the cost of your epoxy flooring project. Hiring a professional installer to do the job will usually be more expensive than DIY-ing it, but it can also ensure the highest quality finish and greatest longevity.

d. Additional components

If you choose to add other elements like a decorative flakes or paint chips, this will also affect the overall cost.

e. Maintenance

Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential for an epoxy floor to perform well and last for years

The cost of regular maintenance can vary depending on the complexity of the job and the products used.

f. Location

The location of the garage is also an important factor to consider. If you’re located in a more rural area, for example, you may have to pay more for materials and labor than in a city.

Epoxy flooring cost comparisons

Now that we have an idea of the factors that feed into epoxy flooring costs, let’s discuss the cost difference between performing the installation yourself and having a professional do it.

a. DIY vs. professional installation

Do-it-yourself (DIY) installation of epoxy garage floors may seem like the most economical approach but there are several things to consider first. You’ll have to factor in the cost of materials including resins, coatings, and hardeners which can vary greatly depending on quality and quantity needed.

Additionally, labor costs associated with prepping the space such as cleaning and repairing any existing damage must also be taken into account. Finally, if you choose additional elements such as decorative flakes or paint chips this could further increase total costs significantly compared with professional installation options.

Hiring a professional installer for your epoxy garage floor project can be a good choice if you want to ensure the highest quality finish and greatest longevity. Professional installers will take into account any existing damage and provide needed repair services in addition to providing high-quality materials and coatings as part of their service.

Labor costs vary from installer to installer so it’s best to get multiple estimates before making a decision, but in general, it’d probably cost you around double what you would pay to do it yourself.

Maintenance costs associated with keeping your epoxy floors looking and performing their best should also be taken into account when comparing professional vs. DIY installation approaches.

b. Epoxy vs. other garage floor coating options

There are also a few other options to epoxy flooring if the above prices don’t look like something you’re interested in paying.

i. Polished concrete overlays

Polished concrete overlays are a great way to give your garage floor a new look without having to replace the existing one. This type of finish is applied directly over the existing concrete, creating a durable and attractive finish in just one or two days and are slightly different from epoxy paint for concrete.

The cost of polished concrete overlays ranges from $4 to $12 per square foot depending on the quality of materials used and size of area being covered. Additionally, any existing damage will need to be repaired before the overlay is applied, which could add to the overall cost of the project.

ii. Metallic epoxy

Metallic epoxy is another option for garage floor coating, but it comes with a higher cost compared to traditional epoxy flooring. This type of flooring is installed using a metallic additive mixed into the epoxy resin, creating a unique and visually striking finish.

The cost of metallic epoxy can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the garage, quality of materials used, and the complexity of the installation process. On average, you can expect to pay around $8 to $12 per square foot for a professionally installed metallic epoxy floor.

iii. Solid color epoxy floor paint

Solid color epoxy floor paints are a popular choice for garages due to their low cost and easy application process. This type of coating is generally less expensive than other garage floor coatings, but it won’t last as long and requires more frequent maintenance.

Solid color epoxy floor paint typically costs between $1 and $4 per square foot, making it a great budget-friendly option. However, keep in mind that you’ll need to factor in the cost of additional materials such as primer, sealer, and topcoat if needed.

iv. Full broadcast epoxy floor coating

Full broadcast epoxy floor coating is a cost-effective option for those looking for a durable and attractive garage floor finish. This type of finish is applied by first applying an epoxy base coat, then scattered with colored chips or flecks. The chips are then embedded in a clear topcoat to create a unique and decorative look.

These coatings generally cost between $7 and $11 per square foot, with the price varying depending on the size of the area being covered and quality of materials used. It’s also important to keep in mind that extra material such as tinting or sealer may be required, adding additional costs to the project.

Epoxy flooring cost breakdown

As you can see, there are several different types of epoxy floor coatings available and the cost of each will vary depending on factors such as size, quality of materials used, complexity of installation process, and additional services.

To help make your decision making easier, here’s a quick breakdown of the average costs you can expect based on multiple different factors – overall cost, cost per square foot, by material type, and labor costs.

a. Epoxy garage floor cost summary

Overall cost: $2 to $12 per square foot

Cost per square foot:

  • $4 to $8 for polished concrete overlays
  • $8 to $12 for metallic epoxy
  • $1 to $4 solid color epoxy floor paint
  • $7 to $11 for full broadcast epoxy floor coatings

b. Epoxy garage floor materials cost

  • Polished concrete overlays: $4-$12/sq ft
  • Metallic epoxy: $8-$12/sq ft
  • Solid color epoxy floor paint: $1-$4/sq ft
  • Full broadcast epoxy floor coatings: $7-$11/sq ft

c. Epoxy garage floor labor cost

Labor costs usually range between $2 and $6 per square foot depending on the complexity of the job and number of coats required.

Overall, it’s important to remember that the cost of an epoxy garage floor will vary depending on several factors such as size, type of material used, complexity of installation process, and additional services. It’s best to speak with an experienced professional to get an accurate estimate for your project.

d. How much does it cost to epoxy a 2-car garage?

The cost to epoxy a 2-car garage can range from $4,000 to $12,000 depending on the type of material used, size of the area and complexity of the installation process.

Additional cost factors

Additionally, there will almost certainly be some pre-installation repairs that need to take place before you can even get the epoxy installed. Let’s get into the costs of some of those things.

a. Concrete foundation repair

Concrete foundations can crack and deteriorate over time due to age, weather, or even shifting ground. You’ll want to get these issues addressed before you install your epoxy floor using an epoxy concrete sealer.

Repair costs will vary depending on the severity of the damage and what type of repair is needed. Generally speaking, expect to pay between $300 and $2,000 per project.

b. Sub-floor preparation

It is important to ensure the sub-floor is properly prepared before any epoxy coating can be applied. This usually involves grinding, sanding, and cleaning the floor to remove any impurities and create a smooth surface for the epoxy to adhere to.

Sub-floor preparation costs vary depending on the size of the area and complexity of the job, but usually cost between $0.50 to $2 per square foot.

c. Topcoat for your epoxy coating

A topcoat can be added to create a glossy finish and provide extra protection against wear and tear. Topcoats usually cost between $0.50 to $3 per square foot, depending on the quality of product used.

d. Additional services

You may also find yourself needing additional services such as floor leveling or crack filling before applying the epoxy. These services will also add to the cost of your project, with prices ranging between $0.50 and $2 per square foot.

Conclusion: making an informed decision on epoxy flooring costs

Overall, epoxy flooring is a popular option for people who are looking for durable and low-maintenance flooring in their garages. However, there are several factors to consider when it comes to the cost of an epoxy garage floor.

The overall cost can range from $2 to $12 per square foot, depending on the material used, the size of the area, and the complexity of the installation process. The four main types of epoxy flooring have different costs, with polished concrete overlays being the cheapest and metallic epoxy being the most expensive. In addition to the cost of the epoxy flooring itself, there are also additional costs to consider, such as concrete foundation repair, sub-floor preparation, topcoat for the epoxy coating, and other services like floor leveling or crack filling.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do epoxy garage floors last?

The lifespan of an epoxy garage floor largely depends on the quality of the installation and maintenance, but generally they last between 5-10 years. However, with proper care and regular cleaning, some epoxy floors have been known to last over 20 years.

What’s the best garage floor coating?

The best garage floor coating depends on the type of use and look desired. For durability and a glossy finish, epoxy is the most popular choice due to its long-lasting abilities and wide range of color options.

How much does it cost to resurface a garage floor?

The cost to resurface a garage floor will depend on the size of the area, complexity of the project and type of material used. Generally speaking, expect to pay between $2 and $12 per square foot for epoxy flooring installation.

What’s cheaper: epoxy flooring or tiles?

Epoxy flooring is usually cheaper than tiles, with the cost of installation ranging from $2 to $12 per square foot depending on the type and complexity of the project. Tiles can be more expensive because they often require additional labor for installation and grouting.

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